Hubzilla Server - Setup

  System check

libCurl PHP module(required)
GD graphics PHP module(required)
OpenSSL PHP module(required)
PDO database PHP module(required)
mb_string PHP module(required)
xml PHP module(required)
zip PHP module(required)
.htconfig.php is writable(required)
store is writable(required)
store/[data]/smarty3 is writable(required)
Generate encryption keys(required)
Command line PHP
Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.
If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron.

Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation.
PHP upload limits
Your max allowed total upload size is set to 8 MB. Maximum size of one file to upload is set to 2 MB. You are allowed to upload up to 20 files at once.This is not sufficient to upload larger images or files. You should be able to upload at least 4 MB at once.

You can adjust these settings in the server php.ini file.
Url rewrite is working(required)